“We are a contemporary architectural practice who produce buildings that are sustainable, healthy, and embedded in their context”

  • The craft of building is fundamental to our understanding of architecture. This means giving thought to the way that materials and processes affect the quality and enjoyment of the places we inhabit.

    Our goal is to produce well resolved details, and pleasing junctions between materials, that when well executed provide an atmosphere of quality and permanence. We find that this approach is equally applicable to producing distinctive contemporary architecture and to working sensitively with historic buildings.

    We believe that using simple materials with skill and attention is the most appropriate method of producing buildings that are efficient to run, low in embodied energy, and which have and an enduring, individual identity.

  • We believe Contemporary Architecture should be sustainable, rich in character, and expressive of the time we live in. Our design ethos aims to bring together elements of craft, technology, and cultural understanding within the framework of contemporary architecture.

    We advocate for passive environmental design, often drawing from local traditions in construction and vernacular architecture. In addition to the selection of low embodied carbon materials, and the integration of renewable energy strategies, we harness the natural attributes of a site and optimise prevailing climatic conditions to reduce the carbon impact of projects.

  • Listening is at the heart of our design process, beginning with the client and their goals, but also listening to the site, understanding its restrictions and opportunities.

    When required, we research the historic context, and relevant planning histories, and listen to the consultants with whom we collaborate. From there we develop a design brief and work to produce a legible design concept that will inform the following design process and which expresses the clients individual goals.

  • We have a record of achieving planning permission in restricted areas, including conservation areas and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

    We also work with listed buildings and can lead a team of consultants to provide a coherent design led approach when required.

    Our understanding of materials and construction comes through hands-on experience of building projects, including constructing our own designs, and working closely with contractors to produce life size mock-ups of design details.

  • As qualified Passivhaus Designers, we advocate for passive environmental design, often drawing from local traditions in construction and vernacular architecture. In addition to the selection of low embodied carbon materials, and the integration of renewable energy strategies, we harness the natural attributes of a site and optimise prevailing climatic conditions to reduce the carbon impact of our projects.

    We always prefer to develop designs in three dimensions. Using the latest 3D design software we are able to share virtual models with our clients for them to explore and provide feedback during the design process. We are also able to provide fully rendered images of our designs which to help visualise proposals, and which provide persuasive support during the planning process.

If you would like to get in touch with us about a potential project please call, or, send your enquiry to the email address below.


phone: 07968 404 387